Every year, your favorite media franchises take one special day out of the year to focus on celebrating the fans and everything we do to make that franchise what it is. The dates for these fan days are connected to the franchise itself in some way: Star Trek celebrated “First Contact Day” every April 5th […]
Category: Pokémon GO

Oooh! Do I have an interesting little IV tidbit for you guys… OK so a few days back was a Pokémon GO Community Day, which focused on Gastly. I caught maybe 80 of them, but in catching them and organizing their data, I noticed something interesting… NONE of them had any IVs below 4. Just […]
Ok so in the background I’ve been working on all kinds of projects, ad I’ve always done… one if which being looking a bit deeper into the Pokémon GO Stats randomization system. If you need a refresher on how Pokémon GO’s ststs work, check out the GO page… but basically the idea here is that, […]
Just a quick video, but I’ve got a big post that I’ve been working on for the last couple days almost ready to share with you guys. In the mean time, Pokémon GO got a surprise visit from Jessie & James… and this was my first encounter with them. Enjoy! See, nothing much… just two […]
Ok so, long story short, I finally got my studio space cleaned up and ready to start filming episodes for the PA! Webcast series. Yay! This also means I’ll have time once again to work on my other art projects, like my fake card set and webcomic series. Good times. In the mean time, I’ve […]
OK, just a minor little update on Pokémon GO’s IV stats. I’ve added maybe 45 new entries, and it’s continuing to confirm the idea that the IVs are skewed towards better stats. Below is the graph and my data. That said, I’ve added a new column to the data; previously I left out “specialty Pokémon”, […]
Alright so, after catching some more Pokémon in Pokémon GO, I restarted my data collection to see if my original IV data was skewed to show a greater bias towards higher IVs, or if the in-game IV randomizer was what was doing it. As a reminder, I noticed that in Pokémon GO, the IVs that […]
I think Pokémon GO skews numbers slightly (albeit for the better). OK so just as a quick reminder, each Pokémon in Pokémon GO has three stats—Attack, Defense and HP—and those stats are given some degree of variability through the use of IVs, which are numbered between 0 and 15, and therefore will total some value […]