TP Name (Subname) Art Style Ry RM Date Created Notes
1/125 ZG Chelicerae Purakkusu プラックス V
2/125 ZG Leafeon Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
3/125 ZG Parasect X Based on prototype form
4/125 ZG Tangrowth Space World Forme; ジャランラ Jaranra ★H X
5/125 ZG Paras X Based on prototype form
6/125 ZG Sunflora Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
7/125 ZG Sunkern Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
8/125 ZG Tangela U
9/125 ZG Minikern V Hidden prototype
10/125 ZG Pinsir U
11/125 ZG Piwis Para パラ X Based on prototype form
12/125 ZG Scyther Space World Forme Y Based on Scizor’s prototype form
13/125 ZG Tangwirl モンジャ Monja V
14/125 ZR Arcanine U
15/125 ZR Ho-oh Space World Forme ★H X Based on prototype form
16/125 ZR Magmortar Space World Forme Y Based on Magby’s prototype form
17/125 ZR Ninetales ★H U
18/125 ZR Growlithe U
19/125 ZR Houndoom Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
20/125 ZR Magcargo Space World Forme Y Based on Slugma’s prototype form
21/125 ZR Magmar Space World Forme Y Based on Magby’s prototype form
22/125 ZR Ponyta U
23/125 ZR Rapidash U
24/125 ZR Vulpix U
25/125 ZR Foxfire Mikon ミコン V
26/125 ZR Houndour Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
27/125 ZR Magby Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
28/125 ZR Pupyre Pudi プディ V
29/125 ZR Slugma Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
30/125 ZR Tinyta プチコーン Puchikoon V
31/125 ZW Azumarill Space World Forme ★H X Based on prototype form
32/125 ZW Delibird-EX Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
33/125 ZW Politoed Space World Forme X Based on SW97 prototype form
34/125 ZW Quagsire Space World Forme Y Based on Wooper’s prototype form
35/125 ZW Mantine Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
36/125 ZW Marill Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
37/125 ZW Octillery Space World Forme X …maybe some of the first ones I’ll make?
38/125 ZW Poliwhirl U
39/125 ZW Seaking U
40/125 ZW Wooper Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
41/125 ZW Zippeeng V Zippy + Goldeen
42/125 ZW Azurill Space World Forme Y Based on Marill and Azumarill’s prototype form
43/125 ZW Goldeen U
44/125 ZW Mantyke Space World Forme Y Based on Mantine’s prototype form
45/125 ZW Poliwag U
46/125 ZW Remoraid Space World Forme X Clearest examples of “Space World Forme”…
47/125 ZL Ampharos ★H U
48/125 ZL Electrivire Space World Forme ★H Y Based on Elekid’s prototype form
49/125 ZL Raichu Space World Forme ★H Y Based on Pichu’s prototype form
50/125 ZL Electabuzz Space World Forme Y Based on Elekid’s prototype form
51/125 ZL Flaafy U
52/125 ZL Garvantula U Included to add some variety
53/125 ZL Pikachu Space World Forme Y Based on Pichu’s prototype form
54/125 ZL Elekid Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
55/125 ZL Joltik U Included to add some variety
56/125 ZL Mareep U
57/125 ZL Pichu Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
58/125 ZP Clefable Space World Forme Y Based on Cleffa’s prototype form
59/125 ZP Espeon Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
60/125 ZP Jynx Space World Forme Y Based on Smoochum’s prototype form
61/125 ZP Wigglytuff Space World Forme Y Based on Igglybuff’s prototype form
62/125 ZP Wobbuffet Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
63/125 ZP Xatu ★H U I need to figure out a reasonable way for Xatu to evolve from Datu, not Natu…
64/125 ZP Clefairy Space World Forme Y Based on Cleffa’s prototype form
65/125 ZP Datu V
66/125 ZP Jigglypuff Space World Forme Y Based on Igglybuff’s prototype form
67/125 ZP Wynaut Space World Forme Y Based on Wobbuffet’s prototype form, probably the very nondescript one
68/125 ZP Cleffa Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
69/125 ZP Igglybuff Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
70/125 ZP Natu U
71/125 ZP Smoochum Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
72/125 ZF Donphan Space World Forme Y Based on prototype form
73/125 ZF Elephunt ★H V Hidden prototype
74/125 ZF Hitmonchan U
75/125 ZF Hitmontop Space World Forme ★H X Based on prototype form
76/125 ZF Hitmonlee U
77/125 ZF Phanpy Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
78/125 ZF Pupitar Space World Forme Y Based on Larvitar’s prototype form
79/125 ZF Larvitar Space World Forme X Based on “Tyranitar” prototype form
80/125 ZF Tyrogue Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
81/125 ZD Qwilrock ★H V Hidden prototype; clearly part of Qwilfish’s evolution line.
82/125 ZD Scarletbel Tsubomitto ツボミット ★H V New evolution for Weepinbell
83/125 ZD Tyranitar Space World Forme ★H X Based on Magazine prototype form
84/125 ZD Umbreon Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
85/125 ZD Ariados Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
86/125 ZD Grimer U
87/125 ZD Muk U
88/125 ZD Torpofish シビレフグ Shibirefugu V
89/125 ZD Weepinbell U
90/125 ZD Bellsprout U
91/125 ZD Qwilfish U
92/125 ZD Sloppy Betobebii べトべビー V
93/125 ZD Spinarak Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
94/125 ZM Forretress Space World Forme ★H X Based on prototype form; that said, there are two prototype forms, one is the all maroon mass from the SW99 Final ROM, and the other is the full faced version in the Scrapbook. I’m unsure which I’ll use.
95/125 ZM Mimeo Animon アニモン ★H V Mimeo will have some kind of special effect. Maybe it does more than what Ditto did.
96/125 ZM Onix Crystal Forme X Based on Anime form
97/125 ZM Scizor Space World Forme ★H X Based on prototype form
98/125 ZM Steelix ★H U Currently a perfectly vanilla form, but who knows…
99/125 ZM Skarmory U
100/125 ZM Pineco Space World Forme Y Based on Forretress’ prototype form; it does also have a prototype form in the Scrapbook, but that form isn’t all that different. I MAY therefore base it on Forretress’ SW99 Final ROM form.
101/125 ZC Ditto ★H U Make this Ditto a more reasonable version of Fossil Ditto.
102/125 ZC Lickilicky Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
103/125 ZC Noctowl Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
104/125 ZC Sirfetch’d U
105/125 ZC Turngoos’d マダーム Madaamu V I forget why I chose “Turngoos’d” for its English name…
106/125 ZC Ambipom Space World Forme Y Based on Aipom’s prototype form
107/125 ZC Lickitung Space World Forme Y Based on Lickilicky’s prototype form
108/125 ZC Meowth U
109/125 ZC Persian U
110/125 ZC Aipom Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
111/125 ZC Eevee U
112/125 ZC Farfetch’d U
113/125 ZC Hoothoot Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
114/125 ZC Meowney Koonya コーニャ V
115/125 ZC Unown Space World Forme X Based on prototype form
116/125 Zs
117/125 Zs
118/125 Zs
119/125 Zs
120/125 Zs
121/125 Zs
122/125 Zs
123/125 Zs
124/125 Zs
125/125 Zs

OK, I think I’ve officially worked out the official set list for Alpha⁹⁷! It took me a while to work out what should be included in the set, as well as how to assign collector numbers to the cards, due to two competing methods that have been used over the years:

  • The Wizards-era sorted the set by Rarity then Alphabetically.
    • This had the effect of making the types and Pokémon appear randomly in number order, although all the rare cards had lower collector numbers.
    • This was actually used by Nintendo for some time after they took it over… I think they didn’t switch over until the release of Black/White in 2011!
  • The post-BW Nintendo-era sorted the set by Type then by PokéDex number.
    • This was something technically used in Japan since Base Set, and officially since Pokémon-VS (which also switched over to the “new”/current backs).
    • This keeps Pokémon together with similar collector numbers, as long as they shared the same type.
  • All sets order Pokémon cards first, then Trainers, then Energy.

While I’ve talked about making the Space World sets as 100% compatible to modern Pokémon TCG conventions as possible, I ultimately decided use a mix between the Wizards and Nintendo-era set sorting. Initially this meant any number of sorting combinations:

  • By Type then Rarity, then Alphabetically
  • By Type then Rarity, then by PokéDex number
  • By Type then Alphabetically
  • By Rarity then Type, then either Alphabetically or by PokéDex number
  • By Rarity then PokéDex number

In the end I decided to use the first style, as it maintains the core Nintendo-era focus of keeping the types together, then focuses on the Wizards’ style of Rarity then Alphabetically.

Anyways, the initial overall plan was to make each Space World set 125 cards large—for a total of 375 cards across the entire Space World Block—but at 125 cards for this set, there isn’t much room for many more Trainers, to say nothing about Special Energy Cards in this set! So maybe I’ll up it to 133/134 cards and a total of 400? At least it won’t require me to significantly renumber every other card, simply to change “125” to “133” or something.

Finally, one other thing I’ll be doing is inventing new English names for the never-released Pokémon, as all of which have only “official” Japanese names—like “ジャランラ Jaranra” or “プラックス Purakkusu“—if they have any names at all. But in order to avoid any potential confusion, I will be including either whatever Japanese name they had or at least any other identifying numbers in their flavor text box. So for example, the “Chelicerae” card will include in its flavor text “Originally discovered as ‘プラックス Purakkusu.”, such that any slightly-in-the-know Pokémon fan can at least make the connection between the name I made up with the only official name it was ever given. That said, this is also why I created the set of Regulation Marks of U, V, W, X, Y and Z in order to signify to the audience what degree of officialness this card actually is.

But whoo-wee! I’ve got my work cut out for me… and then I have to do this two more times on top of this! Well, “have to” is a bit of a misnomer… I want to do this. But let’s see if I have the same energy for this now than I did back in the day…! Good times…?