Oh boy, and here I thought I was done with the whole McDonald’s Pokémon 25 promotion! Ok so if you don’t already know, McDonalds ran a Happy Meal promotion which, well, promoted the whole “Pokémon 25” year-long event. Apparently it was a worldwide event, starting in North America between February 9 and March 9, 2021. Meanwhile […]
Category: McDonald’s Promo

YES! Today I’ve got some Pokémon 25 Tidbits for you… namely in the “Food-related Promotions” Department. Specifically, I’ve completed the McDonald’s Promo page as well as given the General Mills Promo page a good update. Good times. … So, first off: McDonald’s. As previously mentioned, this would be my LAST McDonald’s post, only because I’ve […]

Sorry for not updating the past week, but… actually, I HAVE been updating a lot! Actually, it’s been all “behind the scenes” stuff, but don’t worry, I’m here to help bring you up to speed. The “Et Cetera” Part This is gonna be just a quick notice, but while unpacking some of my stuff […]

Alas, with the end of the McDonald’s Pokémon Promotion (at least in my neighborhood), I think it’s a nice time to look back upon it and share my overall thoughts about it. But since I’m lazy and I gotta wake up early in the morning, I’m actually gonna do none of that. HAH! Lol, naw, […]

So we’re three weeks into the McDonald’s Pokémon promo, and I suspect we have just one week left before McDonald’s moves on—based on their past behavior of one toy per week and there being four “toys” total—and my local McDonald’s STILL has Pokémon Happy Meals! HUZZAH! However, they’ve since switched over to normal Happy Meal […]
Just a few little updates for you fans of McDonald’s AND secrets… but one at a time, of course! First off, I’ve been having incredible luck with my McDonald’s pulls… I FINALLY completed my nonholo set when I pulled a Snivy. It took me 28 Happy Meals, but I finally did it! And all without […]
This’ll be another short-and-sweet post, but I thought I’d share just a few things… First off, I’m trying once again to get my Facebook presence up and running! This time you can find my Facebook account at @nick15pokemon … I’ll try to post there as often as I can, but now that I have Twitter, […]
OK so, it took me forever, but I FINALLY found my Nintendo e-Reader. Why? Well, I’ve recently realized that information about the Pokémon TCG during the e-Reader era is pretty slim, and plus, enough time has passed since the original e-Reader era that it’s less a disappointing release and more of a mysterious, not-very-documented part […]