Fair Warning: this post is about 3.9 years old,
so some of the information might be a bit dated. On the other hand, this post was last modified
about 3.9 years ago, so maybe it's up-to-date after all. In any case, please keep all this
in mind while reading. Thanks for understanding!
A Quick Diversion:
The Actual News:
I’m sharing this post because it involved PA! in a way, and so it’s my way of staying focused and trying to keep PA! in focus. And so you guys know where I’m at so it doesn’t look like I’ve wandered off again.
- Clean out Room #2
- Move PS4, computers, scanner, etc, from Room #1 to Room #2
- Use Room #1 for YouTube series
- Use Room #2 for main video editing, etc
- Try to find lapel mic, or at least test Snowball mics
- Keep both Room #1 & 2 presentable
- Once everything is moved, settled and presentable, proper work can resume.
- Reply to comments
- Post articles which remained in the pipeline for the past couple months
- Go through previous articles and move useful data from them to appropriate main page.
- Work on further episode ideas
- Work on actual first YT episode
That’s my notes for the moment.