Fair Warning: this post is about 4.4 years old, so some of the information might be a bit dated. On the other hand, this post was last modified about 4.4 years ago, so maybe it's up-to-date after all. In any case, please keep all this in mind while reading. Thanks for understanding!
A Quick Diversion:  

The Actual News:

So I just added a new “Pokémon GO Stats” page under the Research section, this one concerns itself about how your Pokémon’s stats in Pokémon GO is calculated. Wanna know more? Keep reading!



In Pokémon GO, each Pokémon can be appraised by your Team Leader. In the past they would give you some cryptic response, like “its stats are the best it can be!” or “its stats are crap… but hey, it’s still your friend and it still loves you and it really doesn’t want to be transferred to the Professor”… but eventually it was replaced by a graph system which straight up tells you what its IVs are. Although it was fun trying to work out what your Pokémon’s stats are, this method at least helps kill a lot of calculating time.

So wait… “stats”? “IVs”?? What is all of this to begin with? Well, if every Pokémon were EXACTLY the same, then the game would be boring. So every single Pokémon has some variety in its three stats: Attack, Defense, and HP. This variety is a number between 0 and 15, such that—if all things were the same—Pokémon with a 0 for that stat will be weaker than a Pokémon with a 15 for that same stat. So in trying to get powerful Pokémon, you’ll need to try to get a Pokémon with 15’s in all three of its stats.

Now the Appraisal System in Pokémon GO shows four different values: the Stats Rating for your Pokémon, one rating for each of the three stats (Attack, Defense, HP), and a “Star” Rating, which rates your Pokémon between zero and three stars according to the total added value of the Stats Rating. Pretty simple, huh? Therefore, the goal of this page is to show you how to decipher the Stats and Stars rating, as well as give you a way to name your Pokémon as a way to help you sort through them all.



Stats Rating

Each stat is a number between 0 and 15. This is based on the fact that its stats are encoded using hexadecimal notation. This means when an number counts up in hexadecimal, when it reaches the tenth value, it doesn’t write it as “10”, but as “A”. Eleven is “B”, Twelve is “C”, and so on. When it finally reached sixteen, it then rolls over to “10”; this then means “11” in hexadecimal is actually seventeen, “12” is eighteen, etc.

Now if that is a bit complex, don’t worry about it. Basically consider any letters used as a “codeword” for a large number. If it helps, in the below chart, I’ve listed all possible values for the stats, just so you can have a handy lookup table to determine how good or bad your Pokémon’s stats are. Just remember that the “HEX” column means “Hexadecimal”, while “DEC” is the normal “decimal” notation.

Stats Rating HEX DEC Notes
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
A 10
B 11
C 12
D 13
E 14
F 15

Simple, huh?

Now one reason I included the Hexadecimal notation is to help give you a way to easily organize your Pokémon based on its stats. For example, if a Pokémon has 10 for Attack, 12 for Defense, and 7 for HP, you could write it out as AC7, which “A” = 10 and “C” = 12. Best of all, since your Pokémon can be listed in alphabetical order, using this format ensures that your best Pokémon will be closer to the bottom of the list. Nifty, huh?

Finally, to get a nice, single number to determine your Pokémon’s value, simply add up all the numbers in that Pokémon’s stats. Therefore, for the example Pokémon stats I listed above, the total value would be 29. Simple, huh? Knowing this, you can then understand how it can be used to determine it’s Star Rating below.



Stats Rating

Now that you know how to get a single number value for your Pokémon’s stats, you can understand how the “Star” Rating system is based on that.

In the chart below, “MIN” means minimum total stat value which earns that Star rating, while “MAX” means the maximum value instead.

Star Rating MIN MAX Notes
00 (00%) 22 (49%) Basically covers every Pokémon with total stat values less than 50%. Let’s face it, the only one that’s gonna love these guys are their Mothers. And Fathers too, nothing saying that they can’t!
Low Example
High Example
23 (51%) 29 (65%) Covers every Pokémon with total stat values between 50% and 66.66%
Low Example
High Example
30 (67%) 36 (80%) Any Pokémon in the top 1/3 but not at good as the top 1/5 are given 2 stars.
Low Example
High Example
37 (82%) 44 (98%) Three star Pokémon are in the top (20) percentage, like Joey’s Rattata.
Low Example
High Example

That said, sometimes a Pokémon can have a total stat value outside of this range, like it should have a two star rating, but still be given three stars. Why this is is still being investigated.

45 (100%) 45 (100%) Only the best of the best, as in Pokémon with the absolute best stats, are given this Red-tinted Three-star rating.

At least this way you can use the stars to determine how good your Pokémon are at a glance. If it has three stars, then at least you’ll know that none of your Pokémon’s stats will be anything worse than a 7 out of 15, which is around the middle for that stat.


Well that’s all I have for now… but keep checking for any updates, like when I finally get the Stat Calculator Utility up and running. Yay!