Today’s news will cover these topics: WANTED: Amazing TCG History! New Galarian/Paldean Language Theory New Instagram Shows TCG Art History The Final Stage of this Safari Zone HD Remaster Surprise WANTED: Amazing TCG History! So remember two weeks ago when I talked about Matt Matoba (aka Ike_Lawliet on the PA! Discord) who has a side […]
Category: Other People’s Fakes

Just gonna keep things simple this week, as I haven’t been feeling very well over the last few days. Fortunately I have just enough energy for this episode (albeit a day late) but I hope to be back to normal by next weekend. Thank you for your understanding! As such, this week I just want […]

Alright! Another Weekly Roundup is go! One thing I didn’t even realize I did was, I’ve been calling this segment both the “Weekly Roundup” and the “Weekend Roundup”. Totally didn’t even realize that I was doing that, as I started telling people “I’ll post this on the Weekly Roundup” or “this is going on the […]

Well, this is the first official Weekly Roundup! As a reminder, I’m trying to maintain a new update regimin where I post some random bit of Pokémon TCG news—or news which I feel my audience would be curious to learn about—over the weekend… at least at some point while it’s still technically “the weekend”. This could […]

Hello everyone, and welcome to a new idea I have planned for the site: the PA! Weekly Roundup! This is where, instead of writing up a bespoke post every time I do something, I’ll instead just pull everything cool that I found, or that others share with me, and just stick them into a single […]

It’s December! … But of course you knew that. Since this is the season of giving, I’m gonna give it my all and try to focus on fake cards for a while. This may mean that I’ll be focusing less on writing actual news posts and instead updating the various other parts of the site. […]

Good gravy that was annoying, but it’s good to be back! Today I’ll share with you what has happened over the last couple months, some tinsy changed happening with site post cycle, as well as two little Pokémon TCG-tidbits that I found out about in the mean time. This post is not to be missed!!

I’m just gonna make this a quickie post just because I really don’t have much to chat about this time, but I’ve got two minor updates out of the way. e-Reader Page Updates First off: since adding the e-Reader Sprites and e-Reader Entries pages to the site, I’ve been working hard on getting as […]