Category: Social Media

Posts relating to PA!’s adventures on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc)

Eye see

Friendly reminder #Gardevoir — Pokemon Aaah! The Twítter Account (@AaahPokemon) January 17, 2021

You can't spell 'Kadabra' without 'Dab'

AI may be useful, but there's nothing like having a person behind every automated decision

AARGH, PA!’s Facebook page was unpublished AGAIN by Facebook’s automatic thingy. BUT, at least this time it’s slightly different. The thing is, Facebook clearly made an update to its system of how to appeal an unpublished page. Previously it was just “sorry” and that was it. At least now there is an “Appeal” button AND […]

Aw man this is getting annoying...

Third time’s the charm! Facebook removed the Aaah! page…. AGAIN! But at least this time there is an actual “Appeal” button next to the “Publish Page” section, which didn’t exist before. That’s awfully nice of them! Still, I have zero hope that someone will actually get back to me to tell me what happened and […]

One Weekend, One Hundred Points ... er... uh, divide the points by two.

Every so often, Tetris 99 for the Nintendo Switch holds a “Maximus Cup” event. Sometimes you can win money if you rank high enough, but most of the time you can earn a gameplay theme based on another game that’s being promoted. And so the prize for this 17th Maximus Cup will be the latter: […]

And by returns, I mean... I made another one.

Apparently back in May or something, Facebook unpublished my PA! Facebook page for some reason, claiming I was impersonating someone or some such. Clearly this was an automated error, but Facebook—for some reason—doesn’t have a way to directly talk to an actual human being in order actually resolve this error. In any case, I thought […]

Beep boop this is why the robot revolution will never happen

[rolls eyes] Well this is great. I mean, not that I updated it as often as I should, it still should be up regardless. But the real question is, who did it think I was impersonating? Me?? … Anyways, I put in an appeal, which hopefully Facebook gets back to in about six months. Otherwise […]

So as I’m sure you’ve all heard my mention many times already, but I’ve been planning on creating a YouTube channel for the site in order to cover all kinds of different things… obviously stuff, but also general gaming videos, comics, artwork, or any other tale I think would be worth sharing. Well if you’ve […]